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XXS Custom Painting: $65 CAD
8" by 10" Canvas
($17 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($17 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
XS Custom Painting: $75 CAD
9" by 12" Canvas
($19 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once thepainting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($19 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once thepainting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
S Custom Painting: $99 CAD
11" by 14" Canvas
($25 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once thepainting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($25 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once thepainting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
M Custom Painting: $150 CAD
16" by 20" Canvas
($40 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $110/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($40 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $110/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
L Custom Painting: $200 CAD
18" by 24" Canvas
($50 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $150/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($50 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $150/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
XL Custom Painting: $270 CAD
24" by 24" Canvas
($70 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $200/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
($70 Non-Refundable deposit included)
Portraits with more than one face: add an additional $200/face
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
25% non-refundable deposit is due upon order of a custom painting. Once the painting is finished and has customer satifaction. The remaining amount for the painting is due before delivery/pick up.
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
Custom People Painting
Painting shown: 16" by 20" canvas with 2 faces (Total: $610 CAD)
Pricing differs depending on size and amount of faces chosen for your canvas:
Extra Large (24” X 36”) -$940 ($235 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $700 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $295 per animal face on the canvas.
Large (24”X 24”) -$630 ($155 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $475 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $200 per animal face on the canvas.
Medium (18” X 24”) -$470 ($115 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $355 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $150 per animal face on the canvas.
Small (16” X 20”) -$350 ($88 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $260 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $110 per animal face on the canvas.
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
Pricing differs depending on size and amount of faces chosen for your canvas:
Extra Large (24” X 36”) -$940 ($235 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $700 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $295 per animal face on the canvas.
Large (24”X 24”) -$630 ($155 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $475 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $200 per animal face on the canvas.
Medium (18” X 24”) -$470 ($115 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $355 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $150 per animal face on the canvas.
Small (16” X 20”) -$350 ($88 non-refundable deposit included) with an additional $260 if you want more than 1 human face OR an additional $110 per animal face on the canvas.
Shipping not included, shipping rates are based on location
Duration: Varies
If damages have occurred to a painting while in transit. Contact the Artist within 12 hours of receiving the painting and send proof of damages. The Artist will then refund the remaining amount and shipping cost (25% Non-refundable will not be refunded).
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